跳转到内容 - 韩布兴,刘会贞,吴天斌,绿色化学与可持续发展,科学出版社,2021,北京。
- Buxing Han, Tianbin Wu (Editors), Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Second Edition, A Volume in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, 2019(Editor-in Chief: Robert A. Mayers).
- 韩布兴等编著,超临界流体科学与技术,化学工业出版社,2005,北京。
- Zhenshan Hou, Buxing Han, "Chapter 11, Coupling Reactions with Supported Ionic Liquids", In Supported Ionic Liquids, Edited by R. Fehrmann, A. Riisager, M. Haumann, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2014.
- Zhaofu Zhang, Jun Ma, Buxing Han, "Chpater 13, Catalysis in Supercritcal Fluids" in Bridging Heterogeneous and Homogenous Catalysis, Concepts, Strategies, and Applications, Edited by Can Li and Yan Liu, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germerny, 2014.
- 韩布兴,寇元,何鸣元,"第48章:绿色化学",《高速发展的中国化学》,姚建年主编,科学出版社,北京,2012.
- 闫海科,尉志武,韩布兴,"第33章:化学热力学",《高速发展的中国化学》,姚建年主编,科学出版社,北京,2012.
- Zhimin Liu, Buxing Han, "Cappter 9: Synthesis of Nanomaterials", In Supercritical Solvents Edited by W. Leitner, P. G. Jessop (Vol. 4 In Handbook of Green Chemistry, Series Editor P. T. Anastas), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012.
- Tianbin Wu and Buxing Han,Supercritical CO2 as Green Solvent,Chapter 10, in Innovations in Green Chemistryand Green Engineering(Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology),Edited by(Paul T. Anastas and Julie B. Zimmerman, Springer, 2011.
- 韩布兴,柯杰, "超临界流体化学热力学", 《当代化学前沿》中一节, 唐有祺主编,中国致公出版社,1997。
- 韩布兴,参加编写《中国基础科学发展报告》中化学部分,国家科技部、基金委组织编写,2001年4月。
- 韩布兴,参与修订《展望21世纪的化学》,王佛松等主编,化学工业出版社,2000。
- 刘志敏,韩布兴,"超临界CO2中聚合物合成与加工", 《结构材料化学进展》中一章,韩志超主编,化工出版社,2005。
- 姜涛,韩布兴,"超临界态促进烃类转化反应的化学热力学和动力学",《石油炼制和基本有机化学品合成的绿色化学》中的一章,何鸣元主编,石化出版社,2005。
- Tao Jiang, Buxing Han,"Chapter 5, Chemical Reactions and Related Phase Behavior in Supercritical CO2 and CO2/Ionic Liquid Mixtures, in Green Chemical Reactions", Edited by P. Tundo, V. Esposito, Springer, Dordrecht, 2008.
- 刘节华,韩布兴,"超临界CO2中聚合物合成与改性进展", 《高分子科学与进展II》中一章,董建华主编,科学出版社,2008,北京。
- 项红卫,"The Corresponding-States Principle and its Practice:Thermodynamic, Transport and Surface Properties of Fluids", Elsevier, 2005. 300页
- Tao Jiang, Buxing Han, 2007, Pietro Tundo ed.
- 项红卫著, 流体的热物理化学性质: 对应态原理和应用, 科学出版社,北京, 2003
- 项红卫译著, 水和蒸汽的性质, 科学出版社,北京,2003会议论文